Jul 22Liked by John Lawrence Aspden

This is an awesome find! Often wondered this exact thing - would cigarette smoking be so 'lethal' in the absence of excess LA. NOPE!!!

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Author

Yeah, I'm getting a bit freaked out by my own conclusions here. The good people of Kitava don't seem to get lung cancer either.

Or many other modern diseases. If they don't kill each other or fall out of trees or die of something infectious, they live perfectly healthy lives and then suddenly drop dead in old age.

I feel like a man who started thinking about how to calculate the date of Easter and ended up questioning the existence of God. Still, follow the threads of evidence wherever they lead....

At least if I'm wrong, I'm now absurdly, obviously wrong. So it should be pretty easy to *show* me I'm wrong.

Rat study where the rats don't get fed any PUFA and smoke all day but still don't suffer much from cancer and heart trouble? Should be an easy experiment to do.

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Sep 15Liked by John Lawrence Aspden

You may find the 2nd bullet point of interest. The source for it is unknown to me.


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Ooh, yes, more examples are always welcome.

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Jul 27Liked by John Lawrence Aspden

I am American (USA), have been a heavy smoker for many years and avoid seed oils, both as an ingredient and as a cooking medium, like the plague. Carnivore + chocolate (and ice cream and the occasional pastry). Within that, grass feed beef, milk, butter and cheese. My blood oxygen level - 100. Blood pressure 122/77. Blood sugar and cholesterol normal. When I had an ultrasound a few years ago the tech blurted out 'Awesome', and my then cardiologist, after lecturing me about smoking, said unless something changed, there was no need to come back. Smoking is a side show - seed oils are the culprit. European men (and many European women) smoked for 100s of years without developing the cancers and heart issues we see today. As late as the 1860s the head of the Royal College of Surgeons in London was conducting an autopsy and discovered a cancer of the lungs. He called everyone else over and said words to the effect of 'Come look at this, you may never see one again. A very rare example of a rare disease.' At about the same time someone invented seed oils, and the avalanche of health issues we see today started. PS I also blame some our health issues on homogenized milk - it may be that homogenizing the milk fat creates molecules so small that they pass through the wall of the small intestine and into the blood stream without being properly digested.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Author

Yes, I was about the same at forty, although I *was* beginning to notice that I was getting old. The edge was coming off my sporting performance although I was still doing far too much exercise. It was fun.

I'd never given food a moment's thought and I often ate lunch out, usually with chips, because in England, everything always comes with chips, as it has done for at least a century.

I got called in for a 'health check' around that time and my doctor said he thought I was one of the healthiest people he'd ever met and to keep doing whatever I was doing. He did tell me that I should stop smoking cigars, but he said that he didn't think my heroic drinking was doing me much harm.

I think the problem was that that was around the point where I stopped rowing, stopped making my own chips at home in beef dripping, and stopped just making vast piles of pasta and butter or eating bread whenever I was hungry. I figured that if I wasn't a mad athlete any more it wasn't a good idea to eat such vast piles of carbs any more either.

I probably ate out a lot more after that.

I'd never liked the taste of "vegetable oil" or its vile derivatives, and I tended to cook with butter or olive oil at home, but PUFA-chips taste pretty good and I think I probably ate a lot more of them after that. It never even occurred to me that chips were bad news. Potatoes, fat, how could that be bad? I'd eaten them in vast amounts my whole life and they were my favourite food.

If it had occurred to me, I wouldn't have believed that the medically recommended heart-healthy omega-6 oils were a slow poison. Don't people check these things?

Apparently not.

I wonder how many heart attacks cardiologists have caused? Somewhere between none and all of them, I imagine.

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Jul 27Liked by John Lawrence Aspden

Seed oils as a cooking medium are just as bad as they are as an ingredient imo. And they're everywhere.

I also have stopped eating New World starches - potatoes, peanuts and corn. Potatoes in particular I think somehow block the body's ability to absorb nutrients. Too many men look like Mr Potato - no skin tone, no muscle tone, weak hair. And if the body isn't getting the nutrients it needs, it will let go of those non-essentials first.

PS I have been smoking for more than 40 years. And yet I am in better overall health than many men younger than me. I am the experiment you were looking for. :)

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> PS I have been smoking for more than 40 years.

I also smoked for thirty years, I still do occasionally, I like it. And it hasn't done me any obvious harm yet. But that's not much evidence that it's not bad. I haven't been hit by a car yet either.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Author

> potatoes

I suspect potatoes are ok, my Irish ancestors went pretty heavy on potatoes and seem to have done pretty well until the blight. As did my countrymen and yours until quite recently.

But of course, if what you're already eating isn't causing problems then no reason to go messing about!

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Aug 30Liked by John Lawrence Aspden

I was already anti-potato when I read this article, but it reinforced my opinion.


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He's bang right about solanine: https://theheartattackdiet.substack.com/p/potato-skins-jesus

But if you're going to avoid eating anything containing pesticides that's probably *all* plants!

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Aug 30Liked by John Lawrence Aspden

All plants, except of course their fruits, which are designed to be safely eaten. Plus by a miracle coffee, chocolate, vanilla and some spices.

His other articles on the dangers of plants are also excellent:


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> Seed oils as a cooking medium are just as bad as they are as an ingredient imo. And they're everywhere.

Oh Christ yes, depending on whether the toxic breakdown products are better or worse than the actual oils.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Author

> I am the experiment you were looking for. :)

Not quite, there are always a few lucky people so I'd expect to find one person like you whatever the truth is. There's bound to be a man who's eaten vast amounts of seed oils his whole life, and smoked, and is fine. My own father was in pretty good nick until recently and he's been eating "heart-healthy foods" for thirty years.

What I was looking for was a lot of people like that. Kitava, pre-twentieth-century England, those sorts of places.

But having found one, I'm now much less surprised by you! And I'd expect to find many more of you amongst those who've been avoiding seed oils for a long time but nevertheless smoked. If there are any others.....

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Jul 27Liked by John Lawrence Aspden

My regular doctor says good genes, you say luck. And you may both be right, but I really think it's my diet - what I do eat (grass fed beef, butter etc, eggs, oysters) and what I don't eat - seed oils, homogenized milk, New World starches. Oh and no kale or its toxic siblings.

Plus I do take Ester Vitamin C, magnesium, collagen, choline + inositol, sea iodine and zinc.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Author

I don't say luck! I think it's not eating seed oils.

I do think smoking's probably doing you harm, but I think since you're not full of PUFAs you're probably just repairing the damage.

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Jul 27Liked by John Lawrence Aspden

I guess I've made my luck as they say.

I may well be unique - no one I know is even aware of the seed oil issue and get blank/puzzled looks on their face when I bring it up.

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