Jun 11Liked by John Lawrence Aspden

STAY..... IN..... KETOSIS .....

read your letter again and explain to yourself WHY you would sign up for all the downs.......

good luck!

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Author

You three (Joan, Denise, exfatloss) make excellent points, and I can't really say why I don't fancy just going strict ex150ish for ever.

I'm not even carb-craving (the slightest sign of needing willpower and I would cave on principle). I am just kind of bored with eating the same bland thing every day, can't really see how to vary it without eating bad things (even the thought of steaks does not appeal), and would like a piece of buttered toast or a pizza or a jacket potato. Trying to avoid protein and carbs and sulphites and pufas all at the same time just doesn't leave many options.

My intuition is telling me to go back to normal ad-lib eating for a bit and see what happens. At the very least I should confirm that re-carbing brings the fog back and that it stays, rather than just confusing a temporary effect for a permanent one.

And I want to see whether my weight starts to rise rapidly as soon as I'm out of ketosis, or whether it just tracks up slowly.

I don't think it will be too bad, I've been pretty happy for the last year. It's taking the edge off my mind but it's not horrible.

And it seems like going in and out of keto doesn't give me the 'flu any more (probably those electrolyte pills) so if I feel too stupid I can come back.

But yes, none of that really convinces me either....

Rational mind says one thing, intuition says the opposite. Sometimes I just like to tell myself to stop talking and go with my intuitions.....

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He's British and therefore VERY REASONABLE.

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Jun 13Liked by John Lawrence Aspden

I don't do exfatloss150 every day - I too get bored. BUT I try to still eat my big meal at lunch and I try to make my supper fatty - sometimes it's something loaded with butter, sometimes it's a bowl of whipped cream with matcha or cocoa or fatty yogurt with cream on it and whipped cream on top. I also get gf gelatin and put whipped cream on it. It it's savory, it gets loaded with butter. I use the 150 rule of dairy fat as a guide but I don't do it daily either.... good luck!

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Just to clarify, did you get a headache just from sleeping while the malt vinegar was uncovered in the kitchen? Or did you actually consume the malt vinegar but it still gave you a headache?

On the thyroid thing, maybe ~1 year is roughly how long it takes to regenerate most of the thyroid cells? Remember, 4-8 years is the worst-case "every cell in the body, including adipose tissue" range.

Per the chart in https://www.exfatloss.com/p/what-miracle-cures-should-we-expect even liver cells seem to be regenerated every year. I have no clue what thyroid turnover is, but it's not unreasonable to imagine there would be a massive improvement after a year.

Would be interesting to see what happened if you just went totally off your T4 supplement. Is there any danger to that?

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> On the thyroid thing, maybe ~1 year is roughly how long it takes to regenerate most of the thyroid cells? Remember, 4-8 years is the worst-case "every cell in the body, including adipose tissue" range.

Yes, poor thing's been 'on welfare' for so long that it's probably atrophied. Now that its support has been cut it's probably slowly powering up again. No need to rush.

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> Would be interesting to see what happened if you just went totally off your T4 supplement. Is there any danger to that?

Overwhelming tiredness, hideous depressive crash and lots of nasty hypometabolism symptoms every time I've tried it. Last time all my pot plants died because I was too useless to water them. I noticed they were suffering and made a mental note to get round to doing something about it and then never did.

I'm slightly surprised I was together enough to figure out what was happening and start taking the stuff again. I prefer to let my waking temperature and general feelings guide a gentle tapering.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Author

> Just to clarify, did you get a headache just from sleeping while the malt vinegar was uncovered in the kitchen? Or did you actually consume the malt vinegar but it still gave you a headache?

Ooops, hadn't realised it could be read like that! No problem with fumes. I put some on some food and then had a familiar headache the following morning.

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You "put on some food?" As in you put it on the stove and then you went to bed and then you had a headache? Or did you actually eat said food?

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Author

I put some vinegar on some food and then I ate the food and then I went to bed and then the next morning I woke up with a headache.

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Sometimes, when driving my lorry to the shoppe, I feel like we barley speaketh the saem languaeg.

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