It's been a good month since I last played silly buggers with food, and I'm longing to do it again.
But before I do, I want to try an experiment.
At the end of ex150ish-2 I found that eating carbs made me go into some sort of coma, and several times since I've noticed myself needing to take an afternoon nap after a pizza.
If that was a transient effect ("refeeding syndrome") , then it should have moderated by now.
At the moment I feel alert and energetic, and I'm in the bar of the Picturehouse, which does the best and cheapest pizzas in Cambridge.
Pepperoni pizza ordered, checked that there's no sulphites in it (and the girl who checked has food allergies herself, so I trust her to check properly)
I also have a coffee, so that there is no fear of running out of vitamin c.
Who knows what the future holds?
(Brief pause... Live blogging the process of eating a pizza makes me feel very modern, very hip with the crazy rhythm of the contemporary streets; A blithering idiot.)
15:35 Yum, I love pizza.
15:42 Yum, I love it a lot. America's great contribution to the cuisine of the world. (OK, and Christmas dinner...)
15:48 God that was gorgeous. I wasn't conscious of being hungry before. Now I'm wondering if I should get another one, in the interests of science. Give it a minute...
15:59 Hunger gone, couldn't possibly eat a second pizza. Eyes feel a bit funny and won't focus properly, putting on my reading glasses. Much better, maybe just eyestrain from staring at computer for hours.
16:21 Totes fine, enthusiastically writing and planning more blog posts. Yay!
16:41 Fine
17:03 Bouncy! That's a good hour and a half, I think I can conclude that the carb trouble was a transient thing. I'll watch out for that next time.
18:05 Writing with manic energy. Pizza is fuel. Good fuel.
Experiment concluded.
We'd love to take credit for that one, but I think it was actually an Old Country invention.